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Stylish color scheme in interior

In interior design, in addition to the rational arrange and selection, the use of light is an extremely important factor. Harmonious color scheme, balance the contrast and match the equipment is not as simple as you think. This is also the reason that many people tend to minimize the decoration with some simple colors such as dark, brown, black, white, gray, breaking through to orange or dark blue.

Fresh colors do not necessarily have to be colorful or too bright. So, through this article, we will help you get more information about the use of light in interior design to make the perfect choice for your home.
Firstly, in a house, you should choose two color tones, the secret is to choose 1 light tone and 1 darker tone. When you do this first, it will retain a certain brightness without breaking the color later.
Next, you have to check the color of the furniture. Whether it is fabric, leather or you should ask for a small piece of fabric in advance to test in space if it is suitable.
Remember to balance warm and cool colors. Some colors that are too prominent such as burgundy and pink are very picky, so reducing these tones to neutral will make it easier to mix.
Keep in mind because it can help you increase your taste in a new level!

If you choose a wall paint color and a neutral interior color, you can add a few more brightly colored accessories to the room. Gray or yellow walls, floors and furniture make a very good background for curtains, carpets, pillows or decorative paintings with fresh colors. Balance the colors of your accessories to give your room space a certain style. If the floor mats are light blue or pink, choose pink sofa pillows, blue art paintings, or purple decorative items to blend them well together. With soft background, colorful accessories can easily move many corners in the room and give more space to life. Instead of choosing a subdued color, choose all white and with just the slightest point the color is quite impressive and effective for quiet space. The bedroom can be decorated with white walls and light-colored interiors, bright classic pillows, a bedside table or white lights. Bathrooms can be equipped with accessories or a frame of stained glass. Using all white backgrounds instead of having to mix colors makes the space bright and highlights the colorful details as a small highlight. It is possible to add other items but it must be a bright color to prevent the room from becoming messy later.

Ut suscipit velit ultrices dui tempus accumsan. Donec in metus et enim sagittis malesuada id ut eros. Nullam dictum in metus eu fermentum. Nunc pellentesque turpis eu porttitor lacinia. Integer lacus justo, pulvinar eget magna sed, maximus egestas enim. Duis a nulla eget neque fermentum condimentum ac vitae sem. Donec consequat ornare. Blandit fringilla, est nunc elementum augue, eu dignissim urna neque a ex.

Vestibulum porttitor fermentum quam, sit amet pharetra ligula vestibulum id. Nulla felis mi, blandit sed egestas non, placerat et nisi. Cras eu lectus ipsum. Integer et cursus ante. In orci enim, scelerisque eget tellus non, iaculis porta lorem. Curabitur gravida accumsan diam quis auctor. Proin hendrerit lorem consectetur, mattis velit molestie, sagittis massa. Donec et urna vel turpis pulvinar hendrerit eu et turpis. Etiam eu eleifend velit, a dignissim urna. Donec laoreet massa vel nunc luctus aliquam. Ut suscipit velit ultrices dui tempus accumsan. Donec in metus et enim sagittis malesuada id ut eros. Nullam dictum in metus eu fermentum. Nunc pellentesque turpis eu porttitor lacinia. Integer lacus justo, pulvinar eget magna sed, maximus egestas enim. Duis a nulla eget neque fermentum condimentum ac vitae sem. Donec consequat ornare. Blandit fringilla, est nunc.

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